You too must seek the sun
‘ The kindly search for growth, the gracious desire to exist of the flowers, my near ecstasy at existing among them. The privilege to witness my existence – you too must seek the sun…’ – Allen Ginsberg.

Installation view: 2014, corn, rice, sugar, wheat, poppy seed, black tea, chamomile, sesame seed, quinoa, chick pea, azuki bean, lentil, mung bean, tapioca, mustard seed, wood, metal coating

Solar path, describing astronomical events and seasonal changes: Rice, poppy seed, sugar, lentils, mung bean”

Installation detail: corn, rice, sugar, wheat, poppy seed, black tea, chamomile, sesame seed, quinoa, chick pea, azuki bean, lentil, mung bean, tapioca, mustard seed, wood, metal coating